Monday, October 20, 2008

This is an interesting photograph from a Nissan advertisement.  The composition of the photo is really appealing and the perspective of the shot gives it depth and draws the viewer into it.  The visual lines, such as the horizon and edge of the road, and the implied lines, such as the beam of light shining down on the car and the headlight, all radiate towards the car, which is the center of interest.  The blue-green darkness of the lower left portion of the photograph is contrasted by the intense yellow light of the upper right portion.  This color scheme based on complementary colors gives the photo balance and visual stability.  
-Stefany Townsend

1 comment:

Blinky said...


I completely agree, that one is a great example of color scheme and perspective. I thought it was really neat how they slanted the picture slightly to give it an edgy feel.

~Karen Borden